Baru-baru ini, seorang fans “fanatik” Resident Evil bernama Alex “cvxfreak” Aniel, telah men-translate sebuah interview dengan Director Resident Evil 7, Koshi Nakanishi dan Director RE: Revelations 2, Yosuhiro Anpo. Anpo secara spesifik mengatakan mereka sedang mengerjakan sebuah “produk” dan tidak bisa memberikan detail yang lebih jelas.
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Interview soal Resident Evil:
“This time, I focused on making a game about fear. But one must not forget about the existing characters and stories.” Nakanishi said of RE 7, as translated by Aniel. “By creating a pillar that says ‘This game is truly a scary game,’ we’ve also managed to make it easier to develop/iterate on other elements of Resident Evil as well.
“Also, there are many creators at Capcom, including myself, who love this game, and Anpo-san has something worthy praise that’s in development as well,” Nakanishi added, laughing.
Nakanishi menyebut sebuah projek yang sedang dikerjakan oleh Yoshiru Anpo! Anpo pun menambahkan dengan..
“I can’t announce anything yet, but as of now, I’ve been developing a certain product,” Anpo responded. “Please look forward to it.”
Dari perkataan Anpo, kita yakin bahwa akan ada game Resident Evil terbaru.
Pasalnya, interview ini di publish pada tanggal 23 Maret, dan di translate oleh Alex pada hari kamis kemarin.