Eric Barone, developer Stardew Valley, selesai membuat konten baru dan akan fokus ke multiplayer Stardew Valley. Stardew Valley juga akan mendapatkan konten baru seperti event dan dekorasi outdoor baru yang akan datang lebih dulu ke PC/Mac/Linux, mendahului console.
Screenshot Multiplayer Stardew Valley
Eric Barone juga berkata di twitter nya. “4-player Stardew Valley LAN party at my house… it’s really fun. It still needs some work, but the underlying network code is solid. Being in the same room and yelling at each other about what to do next, or if anyone has any stone, is great fun. Can’t wait to share this”. dalam screenshot di twitter nya kita bisa lihat 4 pemain sedang bertani.
4-player Stardew Valley LAN party at my house… it’s really fun. It still needs some work, but the underlying network code is solid. Being in the same room and yelling at each other about what to do next, or if anyone has any stone, is great fun. Can’t wait to share this
— ConcernedApe (@ConcernedApe) 15 Januari 2018
Barone dan Stardew Valley publisher Chuckefish mengkonfirmasi bahwa multiplayer mendatang akan rilis versi beta di PC jika sudah siap untuk dimainkan. Pemain bisa menikmati multiplayer dengan LAN dan secara online, dan pemain juga bisa menikahi pemain lain.